Going back to Detroit

You know we dig early Bob Seger here at AM, Then FM. He’s not the only Detroit rocker we dig.

Dennis Coffey was one of Detroit’s best session guitarists in the ’60s and early ’70s, one of the Funk Brothers.

I didn’t know that when I heard his smash instrumental single “Scorpio” in 1971. Back then, I never bought any of Coffey’s records. I can only plead the cluelessness of youth.

However, I snapped up “Evolution,” the 1971 LP with “Scorpio” on it, when I came across it earlier this year.

Tonight, “Evolution” is featured over at our other blog, The Midnight Tracker, which resurfaces at the end of every month, emerging from the haze of time, reviving an old late-night FM radio show on which one side of a new or classic album was played.

Here’s a little sample.

“Whole Lot Of Love,” Dennis Coffey and the Detroit Guitar Band, from “Evolution,” 1971. It’s out of print.

Yes, this is a cover of Led Zeppelin’s “Whole Lotta Love.” But dig the drum break and the laid-back funk starting at 1:19 and lasting until about 1:46.

Then head over to The Midnight Tracker for more from Side 1 of “Evolution.”

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Filed under November 2009, Sounds

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